Spirit Week 2021 is off to a great start with today's theme, Country vs Country Club! Class Spirit Stick Points and Gift Card Prizes can be earned all week! TUESDAY is DECADES DAY!
about 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
 Decades Day Image
Decades Day
Decades Day
The 2021 Homecoming Queen ballot is now open. Students in grades 9-12 are permitted to vote one time. Please take the time to cast your vote. Homecoming Queen will be revealed at halftime during this Friday's Homecoming Game. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNauPRehq8mfBKtRf4mhcB_qJUQU5SSTBYMEhRQ1E0UUEzVTVLRjhaVjBDNC4u
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Kona Ice will be coming this Friday 10/15 to sell to the student body during lunches. Reminder for students to bring money if interested in purchasing! They will be located outside of the cafeteria in the Kona Ice truck. Happy Spirit Week Bearcats!
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Kona Ice 10/15
Shout out to Digital Imaging 1 students! Students have been working with Adobe Spark Post, Video, and Page. To gear up for Spirit Week, students created a variety of informational images for the themed days. Students also worked with Spark Video to create sing along lyric videos for GHS Alma Mater and Fight Song! Go Bearcats!
about 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Spirit Week Days
Students attending the GHS afterschool program tonight had a little fun after tutoring. Thanks to Ms. Robinson for organizing the pumpkin carving event. The activities busses start running next week.
about 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
pumpkin carving
Congratulations to the GHS golf team for their finish at regionals and overall performance this year. They finished 4th in regionals out of 9 teams. This team is made up solely of freshman and sophomores. Wait and see what's next for them. Great job golfers and coaches. Regional team is pictured below.
about 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
regional team
Congrats GHS XC- Boys and Girls both placed 3rd at Tucker County this week. Way to go runners "Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running." β€”Julie Isphording..
about 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
XC Boys
XC Girls
UPDATE: Homecoming Spirit Days have been switched around. The Thuse Pep Rally will be held on Thursday of next week. Color Wars is now Thursday and Friday is Surfers vs. Bikers.
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Spirit Week 2021
about 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
After School Schedule
After School Schedule
Interested in being on the swim team? Sign up on the form below or on the paper outside the office. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNahKofUIFE9xGsxzw3NeLtH5UMUw2T0NWT0tYS041MUkzSDlTQjlSMEZIVC4u
about 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
Image of a swimmer
High energy games this evening as Grafton Volleyball is on the road at RCB! In the first games, Grafton Varsity takes on the RCB Eagles. On the neighboring court, Grafton JV takes on the North Marion Huskies. Go Bearcats! 🏐
about 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Interested in attending Fairmont State? Admissions representative, Haley Cochran will be here to present to GHS students interested in FSU on Thursday, October 7th during AA. Please report to the auditorium after checking in with your AA teacher if you'd like to attend.
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Senior, Cody Abraham, was elected by his classmates (fellow "employees") as Riverside Designs October Employee of the Month. Riverside Designs is the Simulated Workplace for the GHS Coding, App, and Game Design Concentration at Grafton High School. Cody has earned industry recognized, Microsoft Office credentials in Word, Word Expert, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. He earned Adobe Certified Professional in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 in May 2021. Cody will graduate as a CTE Completer in three concentrations: (1) Coding, App, and Game Design, (2) Information Management, (3) Management and Administrative Support. Cody is a member of the GHS Soccer team and was inducted to the National Technical Honor Society in May 2021. His classmates shared the following positive attributes about Cody; he is hard working, intelligent, willing to help others, friendly and honest. To learn more about WVDE Simulated Workplace, https://wvde.us/simulated-workplace/. Nice work, Cody! #ThisIsCTE
about 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Student Picture October
Presenting the 2021 GHS Homecoming Court Princesses. These students were elected by their grade level peers to represent their class on the court. Congratulations ladies!
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
2021 Homecoming Court Princesses
Each year, we ask for donations from parents/guardians for the Homecoming Dance to provide food and drinks for students during the dance. Any families wishing to donate store bought food items or cases of water, please drop donations off to Mrs. Drema Gainer in the TC wing office. Donations can be brought to the main office and we can deliver them to Mrs. Gainer. If you have any questions, please reach out to Drema at dmgainer@k12.wv.us or by phone 304-669-7462.
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Spanish classes have been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a variety of activities! Students learned how to dance salsa y merengue! ~ Sra Skaggs
about 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Spanish Class
Students Dancing
Students Dancing
Spanish Students
WVU is hosting a virtual financial aid information night on behalf of WVHEPC that will provide basic financial aid information and aid types on Oct 18, 2021 at 5 pm and want to invite your students and families to get FAFSA information. Students and parents can RSVP to the event through our SignUpGenius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/aid The confirmation email will have a Zoom link included as a hyperlink for the Zoom Meeting that they can also add to their calendars. If you have any questions, please contact the representative mentioned below. Jacqueline Hellen, WVU Hub, Assistant Director 304.293.1988 Hub.wvu.edu/contact
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
Another great evening at GHS. Congratulations to the Bearcat football team with an impressive 46-13 win over Elkins High School. In addition, the band had a great halftime show and the cheer squad brought great energy doing their thing.
about 3 years ago, Grafton High School
GHS Homecoming Spirit Week starts Monday October 11th. Be sure to dress up each day to get points for your class towards the Spirit Stick.
about 3 years ago, Taylor Himes
2021 Spirit Week Days
Great night at GHS. Girls soccer shut out North Marion 1-0. Volleyball took down a sectional opponent, Frankfort, 3 to 1 on the match. Boys soccer is still on the field but are tied up 0-0 at half against Morgantown. I also caught a glimpse of the cheer squad supporting volleyball. πŸ’›πŸ’™
about 3 years ago, Grafton High School