Thank you to Ms. Wyatt and her crew for an amazing prom last night. Her creatively and vision are always impressive. Thank you to all the staff parents and students that came to help decorate and helped clean up. Thank you to all the staff that chaperoned. Thank you to GHS welding, carpentry and art students for their contributions to prom. It takes it to the next level when students are involved in creating the decorations. Bridgeport conference center was extremely attentive to our needs. Finally, thank you to GHS students and their guests for being wonderful!
over 2 years ago, Lori Shumaker
welcome sign
pic prop
We are so excited to give our Juniors & Seniors a memorable evening at the Bridgeport Conference Center tonight. Reminder that doors open at 6:30, Coronation is at 7, dinner from 7:15-8, dance from 8-11. Please BE SAFE tonight and have a wonderful evening Bearcats! 🐾💙💛
over 2 years ago, Taylor Himes
Early Dismissal - May 6, 2022
over 2 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
Senior information. Seniors received hard copies of this information also.
over 2 years ago, Lori Shumaker
event info
Make plans now to see Annie, presented by Grafton High School.
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Communications
Annie Logo/Ad for Play
Congratulations to our 2022 Prom Court! Coronation will occur at 7pm at Bridgeport Conference Center.
over 2 years ago, Taylor Himes
Congratulations to our 2022 Prom Court!
Thank you to GHS students and staff for a successful coin drive to raise money for Easter dinners for families of students in our school. The coin drive ran from 3/28/22 - 4/7/22. The idea was proposed by MJ May. She along with Larkin Nicholson, Daisy Charlton and Autumn Ware collected donations daily. Total money collected was $733.96. GHS was able to provide a chicken, 5 lb bag of potatoes, corn, green beans, yams, 1/2 gal. milk, 1 lb butter, pie and whip cream for 30 families. The shopping was fine by our finance secretary, Regina May. Meals were delivered by our Community in Schools Coordinator, Mendy Shaffer. Class winners- 1st Place - Mrs. Dalton's class - $163.31 2nd Place - Mrs. Saffle's class - $137.41 3rd Place - Miss Coltelli's class - $115.55 A pizza party was the reward for Mrs. Dalton's class on Monday, April 11th.
over 2 years ago, Lori Shumaker
group pic
Board meeting live ID is 589 474 284 April 12, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Communications
Taylor County Spring Break is scheduled for April 14-22. April 14 is a Professional Learning Day- Staff attendance only.
over 2 years ago, TCS News
spring break reminder
Prom Tickets available for purchase Monday through Wednesday and the Monday after Spring Break during both lunches.
over 2 years ago, Taylor Himes
Tickets on Sale Now!
Congratulations to Garrett Hutson. Garret was the First Place Winner of the Clarksburg Scottish Rite Americanism Essay Contest. This is the second year in a row that a student from GHS won this contest. Garrett is picture below with his AP English Language teacher, Teresa Dalton and his parents Jamie Curran and David Hutson. #BearcatPride
over 2 years ago, Lori Shumaker
student and teacher
student and parents
It was a great day to be a Bearcat at Marshall University. Twenty-eight students traveled to Huntington to compete in the annual SCORES competition. They collectively brought home 26 metals. Great job today. Thank you Ms. Dalton for organizing it. Thanks to Ms. Watkins, Senora Skaggs and Mrs. Shumaker for chaperoning. Internet Scavenger Hunt - Connor McDaniel - 1st place Physical Geography - Alex Himes - 2nd place; M J Niggemyer - 3rd place Career Exploration - Hannah Hobbs and Bethany Lipscomb - 3rd place Army Physical Fitnesss - GHS- Seth Horne, JT Veltri, Zach Nibert, Hayden Derk and Bryce Trimble- 1st place Networking 101 - Caroline Wellman - 2nd place Broadcast News Writing - Grier Taylor - 2nd place Cryptography Race - Garrett Huston and Hayden Derk 2nd place Earth Science - Justin Gainer - 1st place Environmental Science - Justin Gainer - 2nd place Web Programming - Connor McDaniel - 2nd place Creative Writing: Poetry - Kelly Bolyard - 2nd place Persuasive Writing - Alex Himes - 3rd place; River Sipes 2nd place Spanish 4 - Garret Huston - 1st place Spanish 3 - Austin Casto - 2nd place Alex Himes - 1st place Spanish 2 - Kelly Bolyard - 3rd place; Sydney Chen - 2nd place Spanish 1 - Olivia Miller -- 2nd place Division 3 - GHS
over 2 years ago, Lori Shumaker
group at SCORES
Participating live from TC8 this morning! #WVSolutions Seekers Student Leadership Virtual Conference provides an opportunity for WV students to meet state leaders and learn how they can be successful professionally right here in the Mountain State. Full agenda at
over 2 years ago, Stacy Ward
Conference Logo
GHS’s Spanish program hosted a concert featuring Puerto Rican singer Edgar Rene. Schools from across the state came to see him sing. During the show, a group of students performed their dance for the song “Como la Flor.” Brylen Purkey and Jerra Halbritter sang a song along with Edgar on stage. After the concert, students ate tacos and sopapilla in the Mary Battle room and then played in a soccer tournament.
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Spanish Concert at GHS
Spanish Concert at GHS
Spanish Concert at GHS
Spanish Concert at GHS
Last week, the Spanish 3 and 4 Honors classes created and presented their Soy un Artista projects. The project required research on a famous artist from the Spanish-speaking world and then dressing up and acting as said artist. Pictured are the students in their outfits next to the artists they portrayed. Some of the artists include Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, and more.
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Spanish Students
Spanish Students
Congratulations to GHS students attending UTC that placed at WV State Skills USA Competitions! #BearcatPride
almost 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
Congratulations to GHS CTE students placing at WV State Skills USA Competitions! Congratulations to all instructors involved in Skills USA. Thank you for the work you put into this event. #BearcatPride
almost 3 years ago, Lori Shumaker
GHS Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) assisted with today’s job fair. Students volunteered at the registration table and were on hand to help with job applications and to offer assistance with resume templates. #ThisIsCTE #WVFBLA #FBLA #ServiceLearning
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
FBLA members
JOB AND RESOURCE FAIR TODAY FROM 1:00-4:00! You won’t want to miss this opportunity organized by the Taylor County Development Authority. 📍GHS Scotty Hamilton Gym.
almost 3 years ago, Stacy Ward
Job Fair
GHS is collecting change/monetary donations during 8th period from Monday, March 28th until Thursday, April 7th to help purchase dinner items for families in need to celebrate Easter. Please bring donations next week to help support this cause. The 8th period with the most money at the conclusion of the donating event will win a pizza party on April 8th.  Thank you in advance for your participation!
almost 3 years ago, Taylor Himes