Dear Families,
The Taylor County Board of Education is beginning the process of investigating the replacement of Anna Jarvis Elementary. During the development of the Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan for 2020-2030, it was determined that the cost for replacement of the systems within the building would run at a rate higher than consideration of replacing the entire facility. Projected enrollments, cost analysis as well as educational programming for all students attending Taylor County Schools was considered and this was deemed the number one project behind replacing Grafton High Schools roof. We have secured funding from the School Building Authority to assist in its replacement and are working through the course of action necessary to begin the project this summer. Anna Jarvis is next and will also need the backing of the school building authority to accomplish as well as support for a bond issue put before the voters.
The Taylor County Board of Education has hired Williamson/Shriver Architects to assist us in developing a plan that will represent the needs not only of our faculty and students but our community. We also have a committee chairman selected to lead our efforts in putting before the voters a bond referendum to support the replacement of Anna Jarvis Elementary. Mr. Brian Lough has agreed to spearhead this committee and will be reaching out across the community for additional team members, leading to successful passage. In order to make sure the communities concerns are heard the first public forum will be held on May 17th beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the board room at 71 Utt Drive. There will be additional opportunities for community members as well as school level personnel to share their thoughts as we work towards development of a plan to meet not only the educational needs of today but those of the future.
Please consider coming to share your thoughts as we move Taylor County Schools to the future and beyond. Your help is needed, and we want to make sure all voices are heard as we develop the plans for the replacement of Anna Jarvis Elementary and other concerns our community has with our facilities.
Christy Miller, Superintendent