On March 31, 2022, the Taylor County Middle School 7th & 8th Grade band members traveled to compete in the 2022 Region 10 Band Festival. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Region 10 Band Festival was canceled the past two years. Therefore, the TCMS Band was excited to get back to business and perform . The band earned a Superior rating for their performance. Out of 27 middle school bands, TCMS was 1 of 8 to receive a superior rating. You can check out their performances by clicking on the links below:
Taylor County Middle School - Region 10 Band Festival 2022 "Furioso"
Taylor County Middle School - Region 10 Band Festival 2022 "Gettysburg"
Here are a few of the comments from the judges:
"The band sounds well prepared for the festival."
"Very effective performance"
"Band plays very well"
"Great job! Great teaching going on here!"
"Nice job! I like your band!"
"I like the selections and I can tell the kids like them too."
"Best middle school band so far!"
Here is a picture of Band Director, Josh Chiado, delivering the news to the students while they anxiously awaited the results from the buses.
Congratulations! We can't wait to see how these young musicians grow in the years to come!