
Dear Faculty, Families, and Community of Flemington Elementary School,

GOOD NEWS! This announcement is being provided so that we can inform you of some excellent news that will be having a positive impact on Flemington Elementary School in the very near future.

Recently, a proposal was submitted to the West Virginia School Building Authority [SBA] Advisory Board pertaining to what we are calling the "Flemington Elementary School Envelope" project.

The proposal requested the SBA's consideration for funding of approximately one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) that would be utilized to replace the roof, windows, and exterior doors of the Flemington Elementary School building and we're pleased to announce that Dr. Stallings, Superintendent, and Dr. Decker, Assistant Superintendent, have been invited to Charleston to receive that award of the full amount requested!

Once the final paperwork has been processed, we anticipate beginning work on the various components of the project as soon as possible and hopefully during the forthcoming summer months.

Let's hear it for Flemington Elementary School and the Flemington Community in general!