IEP Development/Maintenance/Implementation

IEP Development

What is an IEP?

If a student is eligible for special education, a written plan/document called an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is written to support the eligible student.  The IEP is the heart of the planning process for a special education student. It is a plan that is developed by the IEP Team describing the specially designed instruction needed to meet the needs of the individual student. 

What is included in an IEP?

The IEP includes:

  • The student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance;

  • A statement of how the student’s disability affects his or her learning and access to the general curriculum;

  • Measurable goals, or statements that describe what your child can reasonably expect to accomplish in a year;

  • Specific services to be provided, including any special equipment or “assistive technology”, supplementary aids and services in general education, special education services, related services and extended school year determination;

  • An explanation of the extent to which your child will not participate with non-exceptional peers;

  • Performance evaluation procedures and criteria;

  • The date when services are to begin and how long they will continue;

  • A statement explaining how the child will participate in the statewide and district-wide achievement testing;

  •  A statement of how and when parents will be informed of progress toward annual goals;

  • A statement of transition service needs and post-secondary goals for a child with a disability and for children identified as Exceptional Gifted in grades 9-12, beginning at age 15;

  • A statement of needed transition services, including, if appropriate, a statement of interagency responsibilities or any needed linkages beginning at age 15;

  • A statement (at least one year prior to a child reaching the age of 18) that the student has been informed of his or her rights that will transfer to the child at age 18;

  • The student’s placement in consideration of the least restrictive environment;

    • Prior Written Notice for implementation of services and/or change of placement;

      • Signatures of all those attending the meeting; and

    • Consent to begin services (if an initial IEP).

Who develops the IEP?

The IEP Team is a group of individuals gathered to discuss areas of concern regarding the student’s learning needs and to develop the IEP.  The following (per WVDE Policy 2491) are required members of the IEP Team:

  • Parent(s) - This term means a natural, adoptive, or foster parent of a child; a guardian; an individual acting in the place of a natural or adoptive parent (including a grandparent, stepparent, or other relative) with whom the child lives; or an individual assigned to be a surrogate parent.

  • At least one general education teacher of the student, if the student is or may be participating in general education environment (including universal pre-K programs, Head Start). Participation may be through attendance at the IEP meeting or by the provision of a classroom teacher report to the IEP Team.

  • At least one special education teacher of the student or, when appropriate, special education service provider (e.g., speech language pathologist). Generally, this individual will be the student’s special education teacher or provider who has primary responsibility for implementing the student’s IEP.

  • representative of the district (chairperson) who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education, knowledgeable about the general education curriculum and knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the district and has the authority to allocate resources (one of the other members may be so designated if he/she meets these requirements).

  • An evaluator or individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results if a new formalized assessment was completed. Examples include special education specialist, audiologist, special educator, speech/language pathologist, related service provider or school psychologist.

  • Other individuals, as selected by the parent or the school, who have additional knowledge about the child.  The determination of having knowledge and expertise regarding the student will be made by the parent or adult student or district personnel who invited the individual to be a member of the IEP Team.

  • The student when appropriate, but required when the purpose of the meeting is consideration of the postsecondary goals and transition services needed for reaching those goals.

  • To the extent appropriate and with parent or adult student consent, a representative of any participating agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services. If a representative does not attend, steps must be taken to obtain participation from the agency in transition planning.

  • For a child previously served under West Virginia Birth to Three, at the request of the parent, invite the Part C service coordinator or other representatives of the Part C system to assist with the smooth transition of services.

  • For a student being considered for or currently in a private school placement made by the IEP Team, ensure participation of a representative of the private school or facility through attendance at the meeting, or other methods such as conference telephone calls.

IEP Implementation

When is an IEP initiated?

IEP services are initiated per the initiation date within the services section of the IEP.  Generally the initiation date is five complete days after the meeting as per Prior Written Notice of change of services and placement.  Initial IEPs must also have consent to service before services can be provided.

Who implements special education services?

A team led by the case manager and supported by other special education teachers, general education teachers and instructional assistants delivers specially designed instruction (SDI). Related service providers lead and provide the delivery of their related service specialty with assistance from instructional assistants or other staff. Adaptations to general education curriculum may be implemented by any delivery team member, but should always have significant input from the general education teacher.

How is student progress of annual goals and services measured and reported?

Measuring student progress is a crucial step in the IEP process, allowing the IEP team to assess whether or not the student is progressing, and what adjustments may be necessary to continue promoting growth.  This begins with the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, or PLAAFPS.  The purpose of the PLAAFPs is to provide a comprehensive overview of the student’s current educational performance, in order to measure progress.  The PLAAFPs drives the goals and objectives, specially designated instruction, related services, supplementary aids and services, and other additional supports needed for the student.

Each IEP goal also contains a progress monitoring method.  Documentation of instruction of each annual goal and implementation of services provided is keep by each service provider on an on-going basis.  Progress monitoring of progress toward each annual goal within each service area is provided to the parent and/or adult student through an IEP Progress Report per the method and frequency noted in Part VIII of the student’s IEP.  Overall progress, since the time of the last IEP meeting, is then document and summarized within the student’s next IEP PLAAFPs and used to revise and update the student’s IEP.

IEP Maintenance

How frequently are services adjusted?

Initial IEP Development

Upon determination of Eligibility, an IEP must be written within thirty days of eligibility determination and prior to the initiation of services.

Annual Reviews

Each student’s IEP must be reviewed at least annually, once every 365 days. Additional meetings may be held any time throughout the school year, as long as the IEP is reviewed annually and is in effect at the beginning of each school year. Either at or after the annual review, written notice that the new IEP changes will be implemented must be provided to the parent/ adult student.

The Annual IEP review serves the following purposes:

1. To determine whether the student’s annual goals have been achieved;

2. To revise the IEP if there is any lack of expected progress toward annual goals and in the general education curriculum, where appropriate;

3. To consider whether a reevaluation is necessary or to address the results of reevaluation;

4. To address information about the student provided to, or by, the parent or adult student; and

5. To address the student’s anticipated needs.

IEP Amendments

In making changes to a student’s IEP after the annual IEP Team meeting for a school year, the parent/ adult student and the district may agree, in writing, not to convene an IEP meeting for the purposes of making such changes, and instead, may develop a written document to amend the student’s current IEP. Districts must document the changes made to the IEP on the IEP Amendment Form and provide a copy to the parents. The changes made during the amendment process must be incorporated into the Online IEP. The parent/adult student may request a copy of the revised IEP with the amendment incorporated. The annual review date remains the date of the original Online IEP. In accordance with WV Code §18-20-1c, each service provider impacted by the changes must read and sign a copy of the student’s IEP.


Other IEP Reviews

Per WVDE Policy 2419, an IEP meeting must also be convened:

1. When another agency fails to deliver transition or other services outlined in the IEP, the IEP Team must reconvene to identify alternative strategies to meet the transition objectives for the child set out in the IEP.

2. Within twenty-one days of a written request by any member including the parent or adult student. However, if the district refuses a parent’s or adult student’s request to convene a meeting, it must respond to the parent/ adult student within five days of receipt of the request, including provision of prior written notice.

3. Within twenty-one days of receipt of written request by a general education teacher who has responsibility for implementing the IEP in accordance with WV Code §18-20-1c.

4. Within ten school days of any disciplinary removal resulting in a change of placement, the IEP Team must conduct a manifestation determination and if appropriate, complete a functional behavioral assessment and/or develop or review a behavioral intervention plan.